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All International students who are minors (those younger than 18/19 years old - depending on the province) are required by the Government of Canada to have an appointed custodian while studying in Canada. 

A custodian is a responsible adult who is either a Canadian citizen or a Canadian permanent resident and is appointed full responsibility for the minor international student while in Canada. 

In order to appoint a custodian the Government of Canada must receive the notarized Custodianship Declaration along with the minor’s study permit application.

To learn more about Custodianship requirements in Canada click below:

Studying in Canada as a Minor

Some families may choose a family member or business associate residing in Canada to fulfil this role - while the person should be within driving distance of the student’s boarding school, they must also be English speaking and over the age of 21.  Understanding that many students don’t have someone they know in Canada able to fill this role, many families secure custodianship services from a local service provider. 

Nigeria - Student Boarding Experience Video

The Boarding School Experience

The best way to learn about life at boarding school is to hear about the experience from students and parents themselves.

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King's-Edgehill School Students

King's-Edgehill School

Windsor, Nova Scotia

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